Finding out about meetings and knowing what's going on can be so difficult. I can remember starting out and how hard it was. Every different council or group is different, but I'd like to give you a few tips about Hayden.
To keep up on the meetings, go to the City of Hayden website and open the calendar or meetings and you can see when all of the meetings for the month are.
To find the agenda of what's going to be discussed you can go to Quick Links and click on Agenda's and Minutes. The agenda for the Tuesday City Council meeting usually posts about 5pm on the Friday before.
You can sign up to get the agendas sent to you automatically. That's a great way to be reminded that a meeting is coming up. Open up the Agendas and Minutes page and scroll all the way down to the bottom to find the subscribe button.
Before you come to the meeting take a look over the agenda. If there's something on there that you really care about then open up the attachment and read about it. If you are able to do a little bit of studying before you come then the meeting should be easier to follow.
The Government tab will take you to information about your city council members and links to their emails.
The Upcoming Public Hearings tab is very fun! You can see the newspaper notices of zone changes and land use issues are coming up as public hearings. Generally items that are posted here also have a sign on the property. All of these go by Planning & Zoning and most of them continue on to the City Council. Tidbit: You can always speak at a public hearing even if it is on the agenda.