My husband and I lived in three different major cities in the country of Turkey (pictured below) for a total of 24 years. We lived in apartment buildings and town homes in highly populated cities. While in Turkey, we genuinely enjoyed apartment life and getting to know the people around us. We had great neighbors who helped us become fluent in the language, learn how to cook Turkish foods, and our kids enjoyed playing together.
We had neighbors from all walks of life, from the janitor who took care of our building, to professional occupations. Our neighbors were from different walks of life and different religions and we got along with all of them.
The public transportation in Turkey is dependable and for many years we didn't own a car. I've shopped from small corner stores and we were even able to shop from our balcony by lowering a basket down to the vendor on the street. We have many fond memories of our life in the hustle and bustle of Turkey.
When we moved to Hayden 9 years ago, we were looking for something different. We were looking toward the future and we wanted a small house, a yard, and a garden. We wanted to gain some equity and have it be affordable in the future as well. We love owning our first little home on a culdesac. We love the small town feel of Hayden, the houses with yards, and the lifestyle.
So yes, I know what the apartment lifestyle is like in a big city and there's a place for it, but Hayden is unique, and I believe we need to strive to keep it that way.
